How to Increase Google Business Reviews as a Massage Therapist

Edge Team
November 22, 2023
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The success of a massage therapy business relies on customer reviews. Google business reviews, in particular, are the modern-day word of mouth that can market your massage therapy practice. 

Nowadays, potential clients seek reassurance and recommendations online. By using a customer reviews platform like Edge, you can outrank competition in the massage therapy industry and gain more loyal customers. Before creating a plan, it’s essential to understand why Google reviews are important and ways you can use Edge for reliable customer feedback. 

Why Google business reviews matter for massage therapists

Potential clients make their choices by looking at online reviews. As a massage therapist, your Google business reviews act as a powerful tool for building trust and attracting new clients. 

Imagine a potential customer searching for a massage therapist in their area. They stumble upon your Google business profile, and what’s the first thing they notice? Your high star rating and positive testimonials. Positive reviews assure clients that they are in capable and professional hands.

A collection of positive reviews can set your massage therapy business apart, becoming the deciding factor for a client seeking the perfect massage therapy experience.

Learn more about the importance of Google Reviews for massage therapists below. 

Increased click-through rates

A higher number of positive reviews can lead to increased click-through rates. When a focused customer base sees a business with a strong reputation, they are more likely to click on your profile to learn more. 

These reviews also act as digital endorsements, signaling to the customer that your massage therapy services have not only met but exceeded the expectations of others.

Valuable feedback for improvement

Reviews, both positive and negative, offer valuable insights into what clients appreciate and areas for improvement. You can use this feedback to refine your services and enhance the overall client experience.

Negative reviews will also encourage you to improve your business profile and appear higher on search engines. 

Strengthened online presence

A solid collection of positive reviews contributes to a strong online presence. This not only attracts a wider client base but also impresses partners, collaborators, and others in the massage therapy industry. You can display these Google business reviews on your social media for more brand awareness. 

Client retention and loyalty

Regularly receiving positive reviews can foster a sense of loyalty among existing clients. It’s a way for them to express their satisfaction and contribute to the success of your massage therapy practice.

Loyal massage clients are often more comfortable providing constructive feedback. This feedback can be instrumental in refining your services and addressing any areas that may need improvement.

Conversion boost

Google business reviews can significantly impact the decision-making process. Potential clients who read favorable testimonials are more likely to convert and schedule an appointment, contributing to the growth of your client base. In turn, they can experience the benefits of massage therapy while posting their opinions on social media platforms. 

6 ways to increase Google reviews for your massage therapy business

Harnessing customers’ positive experiences is key to boosting your Google business reviews. These reviews are a testament to your skills, professionalism, and the positive impact you’ve had on others.

Edge, being a customer review platform, can help your massage business appear through Google search engine optimization and an increased social media presence. Our services ensure you reach your target audience in the long term. 

Here are ways you can increase your Google reviews as a massage therapist: 

Automate review generation and tracking

Automating customer reviews can encourage higher brand ratings for your massage therapy business. Edge connects your Point of Sale (POS) system to the customer integration platform to provide instant online feedback. This means customers can leave reviews on their mobile devices. 

Tracking these reviews also keeps you in the loop regarding good and bad reviews. You can plan ways to improve your services and attract more customers to your massage business.

Use customer retention tools

Edge uses customer retention tools to drive repeat customer experiences. These tools include mobile marketing, exclusive birthday offers, and business sales. An SMS campaign feature like this one can help you reach your target audience. 

There are also chat features that turn unhappy clients into satisfied customers. As a business owner, resolving problems before they get out is essential for protecting your massage services. Edge can encourage these customers to leave Google reviews about how much you helped them. 

Show your appreciation 

Building a culture of gratitude is essential for encouraging happy clients to become your vocal advocates. After each massage session, take a moment to express sincere appreciation for their choice of your services. Consider following up with a warm thank-you message, acknowledging the trust they’ve placed in your hands.

When requesting a review, emphasize the impact of their feedback on both your business and potential clients seeking a skilled massage therapist. By showcasing genuine appreciation, you not only make clients feel valued but also inspire them to share their positive experiences and remain loyal to your business.

Take a personalized approach

When seeking Google business reviews, consider a personalized approach. This means addressing clients by their names and expressing your gratitude. 

For example, you can say something like: 

Dear [Client’s Name], it’s been a pleasure having you as a client. If you enjoyed your recent massage, could you take a moment to share your experience on Google? Your feedback is invaluable in helping others discover the benefits of our massage specials. Thank you again for trusting my services. 

This type of message should resonate with the customer, increasing the likelihood of a positive response on your business profile.

Retain motivated employees 

Rewarding and retaining motivated employees is something that Edge appreciates. We understand that without good employees, your business won’t reach its full potential. Therefore, nurturing your employees is essential for gaining positive Google reviews. 

Edge helps to create employee retention strategies that recognize frontline employees. These are the people who provide outstanding service when greeting potential customers into your massage therapy business. 

Customers may also be inclined to leave positive reviews about your team, which can generate financial incentives for each employee. 

Manage your social media

Edge has reputation management software that can boost your online reputation. Over 99.9% of prospective clients read reviews when they shop online for massage services, so it’s important to strengthen your digital presence to receive more Google reviews. Edge uses your Point of Sale (POS) system to collect customer feedback on a single dashboard, allowing you to track your business’s current success.

Not only that, but gathering this feedback and posting it on your social media can encourage more customers to check out your business profile and leave more reviews.

Try Edge for your massage business

By optimizing your business profile, engaging clients with personalized requests, and fostering a culture of feedback, you pave the way for a thriving massage practice. Edge has the tools you need for a strong massage therapy marketing strategy, along with feedback automation that highlights your impressive massage techniques and available business hours.

To increase your Google reviews as a massage therapist, check out our pricing options or contact Edge for more guidance on digital marketing strategies.

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