What is Review Automation, and How Can it Boost Your Business?

Edge Team
November 8, 2022
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Customers no longer make purchases without checking for online reviews on platforms like Google. A staggering 93% of customers now read reviews before buying something. This makes it necessary for service-based businesses to build a strong online reputation. If you neglect this aspect, you risk losing out on business.

Yet gathering reviews can be daunting. Most customers need some kind of prompt to leave feedback, which can be tiresome for staff and business owners. 

This is where review automation comes in. Automating the review request process can boost your online presence with minimal effort. Collate positive feedback while addressing negative feedback, all without wasting valuable effort.

Let’s discuss review automation and draw out its many benefits. 

What is review automation?

Review automation means using software to automate your business’s online reviews. This software collects reviews on platforms like Google. This automation optimizes the feedback process—something that would cost you dozens of work hours.

The review automation software reaches out to your customers and asks for reviews. It then directs them to your preferred review platform. The whole process makes review management a breeze. It facilitates review collection for you while making leaving a review easier for the customer.

There are other useful features, too. Say a customer leaves a negative review. Review automation software will flag this for you. This encourages you to engage with the customer to see if you can find a solution. 

How does review automation work?

Most review automation platforms follow a similar process.

Step 1: Feed in your customer details

To begin, you’d need to provide your customer’s contact information. This will usually be an email or mobile phone number. Then set up processes that trigger once the customer completes a transaction with your business.

The review automation software can integrate with your other platforms and your Point of Sale (POS) system. This means you won’t have to worry about setting up these automations. So, when a customer books your service or buys your product, they have already given you their details.

Step 2: The review automation software contacts your customers

This step is the sweet spot in the entire process. The platform reaches out and follows up with your customers. It then guides them to the review site of your choice, making it easier for them to leave feedback.

This may be done either by an automated email or SMS conversation.

Step 3: Address negative reviews

Review automation software also helps you track your online reputation and collect feedback. This is important because it allows you to start a conversation with your customers about their experience.

45% of customers are more likely to visit your business when you respond to bad reviews. Engaging in a meaningful way shows that you have genuine concern about the customer experience. Show you want to put things right. Apologize for a negative experience. These actions help you personalize the business. These steps can turn a negative experience into a positive engagement with a customer - a powerful move.

What are the benefits of using review automation?

We’ve touched on a few of these already, but let's spell these out one by one. 

Gain more Google reviews

Building your business’s online review profile can be a time-consuming process. Nine out of ten customers won’t bother to leave a review. Seven out of ten will when asked. The takeaway? Your business could miss out on tons of positive reviews online. 

Positive reviews are like currency for your business. The sheer volume of 5-star ratings can make a significant impact on a purchasing decision. In this dynamic, you can't afford to let these reviews slip by.

Review automation ensures they don't.

Raise your business’s online reputation

Automating your review process improves your business’s appeal to local customers. More positive online reviews than your competitors will communicate your business's excellent offers. This represents an edge over the competition; there's a better chance that customers will do business with you.

Improve your business operations

Review automation makes it easier to fix customers' complaints about your business. Address these complaints while using them to enhance your customer experience. How? It's simple: iron out any of the elements that customers complain about.

This will improve your service, the core of your business. In the long run, your service-based business will see increased sales and even more positive reviews. 

Build customer loyalty

People who leave positive reviews are happy with your local business. Chances are they’d rather stick with you than look elsewhere for an alternative.

Individuals who leave negative reviews are a bit trickier. Their experience was poor. Yet, reaching out is an opportunity. Addressing the issue can improve their trust in your business.

Generally speaking, it’s always a good idea to engage and build a relationship with customers. This is true regardless of whether their experience was positive or negative. The automated process lets you do that without being too time-consuming. 

Increase your brand’s local SEO

According to Moz, customer reviews are among the most critical SEO factors. They are key to increasing your appearance in local results.

Let's say you run a brick-and-mortar business with plenty of happy customers online. The reviews are the evidence that they are happy. This shows Google you satisfy users/customers with your offering. As a reward, Google will give you higher priority when presenting results to searches in your area. They do this because they want to offer good services to users - that's what we all expect when we use Google. 

Automate reviews with Edge

Edge’s automated review software connects with your Point of Sale (POS) system. This integration streamlines the generation of Google Reviews and tracks employee mentions automatically. This is an effortless move that enhances your Google rating and gives you an edge over competitors, all without manual effort on your part.

Build a team leaderboard

Add your employees to the feedback platform. In the platform, reviews that mention them are displayed on a team leaderboard. This automation provides insights into outstanding performance. Use these insights to make informed business decisions based on customer data. This dynamic also motivates your employees to provide stellar service since they are incentivized to do so

Empower your team with the Edge Employee App

Available on iOS and Android, the Edge Employee App keeps your team motivated and informed. Employees can:

  • See real-time feedback
  • Gain recognition for positive reviews
  • Claim rewards for their efforts

This level of engagement can boost motivation and ensure alignment with company goals.

How Edge works in practice

Let’s explore the power of review automation through a brief case study: Massage Envy.

Massage Envy clinics were facing a gap between their actual service quality and their online reputation. Despite providing excellent service, many positive experiences went unrecognized. That's because satisfied customers rarely gave reviews. Yet, of course, unhappy customers were more inclined to voice their dissatisfaction online.

We know this is a situation that many local service-based businesses face.

Solution: Edge put in place an SMS marketing solution for Massage Envy. The system automated the process of requesting customer reviews. 

This approach generated more positive reviews while reducing the number of negative reviews. What’s more, it rewarded high-performing employees. Employees understood the relationship between reviews and their performance. This dynamic is always a win-win for a business

Massage Envy saw a significant improvement in both employee and customer retention. They also developed a better online reputation. There's the win-win for everybody involved.

Jason Siebel, a Massage Envy clinic owner, noted, “Edge has obliterated any other strategy we've ever used to improve our online reviews. Other initiatives have NEVER delivered these numbers.”

Grow your business with more Google reviews

Edge's review automation can help grow your business’s reviews organically. Our automated system doesn't just help you reach out to customers and request reviews. It also helps you track your employees' mentions online and alerts you about negative reviews.

Additionally, Edge makes it easier to reward employees who get mentioned in positive reviews. This is such a simple step to boost morale. As a service-based business owner, your employees are your greatest asset. A motivated workforce will always work wonders for your bottom line.

Curious how review automation can work for your business? Contact us for a demo today and check out our pricing plans.

Review automation: FAQs

How do you pick the right review automation software?

It’s essential to use a platform that understands the ethics of collecting reviews and abides by them. This includes avoiding review gating. Review gating means only showing positive customer reviews. The way it works is that brands ask customers for feedback (usually through automation.) Those who provide positive feedback are directed to a public review site like Google. Individuals with negative reviews are directed to customer service.

The goal of review gating is to cut the number of negative reviews on a business's online profile. According to Google Support, the platform bans review gating. Businesses caught by Google could have their reviews deleted from the platform.

What types of businesses benefit most from review automation?

Review automation is particularly beneficial for service-based businesses such as:

Customer feedback is crucial for any business looking to attract new clients. Any service-based business can use review automation to maintain a strong online reputation.

How quickly can I expect results from using review automation?

Results can vary when putting review automation in place. Many businesses see improvements in their online reviews and overall reputation within a few weeks to a few months.

Does review automation need technical expertise to set up?

Most review automation platforms are user-friendly and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. With Edge, extensive expertise is not necessary.

How does review automation improve customer satisfaction?

Review automation helps businesses enhance their customer service in two key ways:

  1. Addressing negative feedback
  2. Highlighting positive experiences

As a business owner, automating these two is a fantastic boost. Automatic review management can lead to higher satisfaction rates and increased customer loyalty.

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